United Kingdom

Why Study in United Kingdom?

You’ll get a world-class qualification 

UK qualifications are recognized and respected throughout the world. Your UK qualification will be a solid foundation for building your future, boosting your career and prospects for a higher salary. UK universities, colleges and schools will provide a vibrant, creative and challenging environment in which to develop your potential.

Quality standards for UK institutions are among the best in the world. Universities, colleges and schools continually have to prove that their courses meet strict criteria. Many other countries are now trying to follow the example of the UK.

The international alumni from UK institutions includes many leading politicians, thinkers and business people who have had an important influence on the world such as Bill Clinton (former President of the USA), Thabo Mbeki (President of South Africa), Desmond Tutu (Archbishop and human rights campaigner), Rifat Ozbek (fashion designer), Wole Soyinka (Nobel prize-winning author), Stelios Haji-Iaonnu (founder of the easyGroup of businesses) and Imran Khan (cricket legend and politician).

You will get the skills you’ll need for the modern environment 

In an increasingly globalised world economy, people need special skills and qualities to succeed. Employers want employees who can think effectively, creatively and independently. This is an essential part of the UK learning experience. Institutions use a variety of teaching and assessment methods to encourage independence, as well as mastery of the subject.

UK scientists and institutions have won almost 100 Nobel Prizes for their scientific achievements. The UK’s creative brains ‘artists, fashion designers, film and television stars, and leisure software designers’ are regarded as among the best in the world. Their work is worth 112 billion every year.

At degree and postgraduate level in particular, students are encouraged to read widely, to question and analyze what they have read, and to discuss openly their own ideas in seminars and tutorials. Career-based courses are designed to equip you for specific roles in the modern world of work.

English language skills will be important for your future career prospects. English is acknowledged as the language of business, science, IT and the internet around the world. Learning English in the UK allows you to immerse yourself in the language, to live and think in English.



The UK has two distinct education systems: one for England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and one for Scotland. Each is compatible with the other. The Scottish Parliament has devolved responsibility for education in Scotland. Wherever you choose to study, you will be able to study relevant, world-class qualifications of exceptional quality